Tuesday, October 04, 2005

GoSh! Rain whole DaY ...

It has been raining with frosty wind all day yesterday. Wet Wet Wet! The temperature was reported to be 10 degree celcius. Cold Cold Cold!

I cannot believe my own eyes when I noticed white, misty water vapor - visible - coming out from my mouth:O It was like the smoke 'release' from the nose of a person smoking a cigarette (minus the disgusting smell:P)! I learned that it was a natural phenomenon when one breaths on a cold day that makes one exhale air vapor. [只怪自己见识少, 何必大惊小怪 :P]

Apart from wearing a raincoat, I have to put on 3 pieces of clothings to keep myself warm. Perhaps I need to get myself a boot (as of suggested by my remote guardian) before my shoes goes soaking wet after having stumbled into those little pools of water on the uneven road surfaces, and worst still - my foot turn icy, white and numb having being wrapped in my soaking pair of shoes!

If anyone is to ask me the question "Can you better tolerate hot or cold?" again, I think my answer - at least at this moment - will definitely not be COLD! Wait til I go to place with blazing hot weather, probably then I can reevaluate my answer again:))

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