Friday, October 14, 2005

Pray this is FiNaL Extension :S

Just got another update from the Development Project Leader that I have to further extend my stay here - at the worst case - until mid of December:S This time, he came to us after a lengthly meeting, at least with confirmation (but certainly not with the exact date) regarding the advance application of business Visa for our extension (to avoid what had happened to my other 3 colleagues i.e. forced to return upon 90 days expiry & currently working remotely in SGP office while waiting for their business Visa to be approved) & the task which we will be working on together.

I hope that this will be the final extension I get to hear from him. And I have expressed my concern to return home, at least 1 week before Christmas, as my 2nd elder brother is getting married on my younger sister's birthday. I have already been & will be missing a BiG part of the whole preparation:(

My parents have told me over the phone that my house is undergoing phase-by-phase 大扫除 e.g. finally throwing out the JunKs accumulated for years, changing of new toilet bowls:O & repaint the house, especially my room who is chosen to be the bridal room - 二哥和二嫂: 你们真有眼光;) This time at least I am excused - for the time being - from playing the role of all-time-cleaner of the house:P

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