Friday, November 04, 2005

VerY 'happening' at home!

Since Daylight Saving Time took effect, I noticed that the sun rise earlier i.e. around 6+ a.m. and set faster i.e. it is already pitch-dark at 5+ p.m. In short, the day is shorter and the night is longer - as it approaches winter.

Although I should have adjusted my watch i.e. reverse by 1 hour since 30th Oct, I did not bother to do so as I find that it do not affects me much:P Thus, I have the feeling of living 1 hour in advance e.g. going to bed earlier & coming to work earlier (so I have time for emailing & blogging:P), as to compare to others!

Having sleep late yesterday night - watching MTV Europe 2005 Award broadcast LiVe on TV, I woke up a little late this morning. As I would switched off my mobile to avoid being woke up by any SMS or call, I found that I have a voice message. Immediately I know that my little brother, David had called since I promised to call back yesterday.

When I call home, with 阿爸 answering the phone, I can instantaneously feel the 'HaPPeNing' atmosphere at home:D With all the background noise & voices, how I hope that I am a part of it :S

Since my nephew, LittleSkyWalker - the center of everyone's attention - had 'balik kampung' with his parents last Saturday, 阿爸 had started house painting work, as a part of the prepartion for 二哥 & Leng's up-coming wedding in Decemeber.

Eventually, 二哥 & Leng returned from Penang to help out - as it is for their BiG day! My younger sister, 阿嘉 had also returned from MMU. My paternal grandmother - 阿'妈' (pronouce with 第一声, 福建人的称呼) had also came to help 阿爸 with babysitting LittleSkyWalker (with his 'grand' return from JB when I was about to put down the phone:P), as 阿妈 (pronouce with 第二声) - my mother is going to SGP this Sunday to attend a week training. 叔公 - have play the role of my paternal grandfater, as my paternal grandfather had passed away when he is 27 years old - will be coming tomorrow to help out too!

Everybody is HoMe, except ME :((

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